Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Through this journey, I had the opportunity to learn whom I was as a professional. I learned I was a
leader with drive and determination to create change. I was able to articulate a problem and
strategically develop a plan to work through it. Another thing I have learned on this journey is to have
a passion for the work you do. Early childhood has always been a passion of mine, but I learn how
deep my passion was for the field. I truly look at myself as an early childhood professional that is
skilled and knowledgeable that can to advocate for my passion. Lastly, over this journey I have
learned to embrace the different perceptive of others and learn from it. As an early childhood
professional, you should look at differences as a teachable moment to be used to broaden your
thinking. Over this time, I have learned what it is to be an early childhood professional, and be
globally prepared for the world.
My long term goal is to educate adults in the early childhood field, trainings, and mentor. I want to be at level in my career where I am looked up for guidance in the field. I want to be able to share what I have learned and researched with other professionals. I want to leave a legacy in the early childhood field.
I would like to thank my colleagues for sharing your knowledge during this class. I've gained so much knowledge during these 8 weeks of class. As we continue our journey, always remember our passion for children.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


The adjourning stage in team development is when the project or task has come to an end. I’ve been in several groups, and some of them have been the hardest to say goodbye because project went so well, and it was effective. There is one group in particular I was in at training where we had set roles in the project, and everyone had the same goals. Everyone had expectations, and it was followed through by everyone. One of the closing ritual was we reflected on what we could have changed before presenting it to the group. Everyone was still happy on the job we did. Also, we did exchange information in order to keep up the professionalism among each other. This training was almost a year ago, and only 2 out of 5 I’m still in contact with, I wish it was all group members.
              In this master’s program, I’ve became connected professionally to many colleagues. I would like to keep the professional relationship going because there are so many colleagues with great experiences and passion for children. I would like to continue to learn from my colleagues. The adjourning stage is very important as professional that want to continue to grow. As professional, it is always good to look back and reflect on the task at hand. Reflecting can lead to growth within yourself and having the opportunity to learn from each other.

Friday, August 2, 2013


 My colleague and I had a conflict with our center director about the hand washing process at the head start center. We have always used the proper Hand Washing Process, but the director wanted to change the process to one she came up on her own. The discussion went from bad to worse within 10 minutes. There were frustrated looks on everyone faces and feelings were becoming hurt. It seems like either side forgot about the issue at hand which lead into other concerns. After reflecting on this situation based on what I’ve learned, this meeting could have gone a different way. For instance, as a teacher at the head start center, everyone should have looked at the situation as, what can we do to come to a solution? First I should approach the situation as trying to find a solution from a “win win “strategy. This is where both sides could have a compromise on the hand washing process. We could have examined each process to see where we could trade off. Also, my colleagues and I could have been empathic to the director’s needs. It would have been an opportunity to be an active listener; we could have gathered the information, and acknowledging by talking through the information. By using this approach, the center director would have been willing to resolve the problem.
        After talking with my colleague, we both agreed the conversation could have gone better. I shared with her some information I’ve learned in class, and she is open to using some of these conflict resolution methods. We are going to have another meeting with the center director on next week, and we will be using these new methods learned this week.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


On the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale, my mom scores me in the moderate level. She says I’m respectful and considerate of all view points, and I know how to argue fair. She reminded me as a young adult we would discuss things with my father, and I would listen to their side before making a decision. I believe my mom is able to notice these attributes, because she knows my personality.
   It was amazing to learn how others see my communication skills differently from what I see for myself. I’ve learn that I’m a skilled communicator, but there are areas I need to improve to be an effective communicator to others.
     *  I’ve learn I need to improve my communication skills with my particular context encounters to lower my anxiety level in my personal life, and professionally life to work effectively.
   *   I’ve learn I need to improve my listening skills by focusing on more details in order to help my communication with my family members and colleagues.

Friday, July 19, 2013


I’ve always keep my personal life and professional life separate. It's very important to have standards of professionalism when interacting with colleagues. In my currently position, I’m a Head Start Teacher and during staff development meetings, my communication is always professional using high language (formal) and gestures. In my home environment around my friends and family, my guard is down, and I’m more relaxed. I use more low language (slang) when talking to friends and family. Also, when I work with families in the early childhood profession, I avoid speaking to families using words that could be intimidating. For example, “YOU NEED TO……!” Using a phrase like that with families can set the tone of the relationship and hinder building a quality relationship with the family. Also, it gives the impression that I’m tell them what to do. In my family culture, I may tell my children, “You need to complete your homework", which is acceptable in my family culture. So I believe communicating should be different based on the situation because individuals can take things the wrong way.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


“The Big Bang Theory” is a cable show I’ve never watched but seen so many commercial for it. I thought this would be a great opportunity to watch the show to interpret the communication. The show consists of friends that are scientists that are not the coolest guy to communicate with others outside the science world. Watching the show without sound was very interesting; I started to play close attention to the nonverbal cues such as gestures, movement, and eye contact to interpret the plot of the episode. I could interpret the relationship between the characters are close friends and they had similar interest.  I could tell the expression between the characters is friendly and could be serious at times. Watching the show with sound gave it a new light. There was a particular scene where one of the characters was actually telling a joke but his facial expression was so serious, but it was actually funny. Without hearing the joke I missed it the first time I watched the show. If I would have watched a TV show I was more familiar with I could have did a better job assuming on the plot and characters. The familiarity of watching previous episodes would lead me to interpret the show. What a "Oh My Stars" moment I had during this experience. Everything is not what it seems. It is important not prejudge from a gesture or look, but to examine the situation. Verbal communication can bring new mean to a conversation.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


My supervisor demonstrates competent communication during our staff meetings by making sure that she maintains eye contact with everyone when she is speaking and by always having an agenda.  She allows everyone in the meeting a chance to share personal/professional news at the beginning of the meeting which sets a comfortable tone for everyone in the room.  She makes sure everyone understands everything being discussed and gives everyone a chance to ask questions after each topic on the agenda.  She always makes sure the meeting progresses without too many interruptions, and if an issue comes up that needs more individual attention, she asks the person to see her afterwards in order to keep the meeting on point and to a minimum.

I would want to model some of my own communication behaviors after her because I hate sitting in long, boring meetings, and I know many other people do as well.  I think she does an excellent job of making the staff meeting enjoyable as possible by keeping it to a minimum while making sure all points are covered.  She's always interested in learning new things from the staff and encouraging others to share.

Friday, June 28, 2013



We live now in a global village and we are in one single family. It’s our responsibility to bring friendship and love from all different places around the world and to live together in peace."

------Jackie Chan, Chinese Actor, Philanthropist


My goal for the early childhood field related to diversity is to create an early childhood environment that represents a variety of cultures. Also, my goal is to train early childhood professionals on the importance of being an anti-bias teacher. The training will give them the knowledge of culture sensitivity and the understanding of social identities in children and families.
Thank You......

Colleagues, what can I say?  Thank each of you for your class participation, your sharing and caring spirits.  I wish each of you many blessings.  Let us remember the children and families on how you would like to be treated.......  BEST WISHES!!

Dr. Tuthill,

Your patience and understanding is a virtue.  Thank you for being you.  Your guidance and participation within our discussions and on line chats were encouraging.  I needed the support of a caring instructor. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013


I would prepare to welcome a child and family from Liberia.  I have never worked with a child or family from this part of the world.  Therefore, I would prepare by:








I believe that preparing to work with a  family from another country will allow me to establish strategies for communicating effectively as well as understanding the cultural background, values, and beliefs of the family in which will enable me to establish a productive relationship with the child as well as the family.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


I have definitely experience this topic with a cousin but fortunately not to the extent of breaking her down; unfortunately this is not everyone’s case. Bias, prejudice and oppression can damage people to the extent of causing severe depression, low self-esteem and even committing suicide.

I have a cousin that moved from California when we were younger. She has this distinct accent as well as biracial. Her mom was white and her dad is black which is my uncle. The kids was teased her about being a half monkey. It use to bother her really bad, but she got over it.

There is this one movie Dream Girls that clearly shows that to me a famous artist you should must have the looks, talent comes in second. This is the case of  Effie whites played by Jennifer Hudson, an extremely talented young woman but unfortunately doesn’t have the looks; therefore she doesn’t get the role of the lead singer of the group.  Deena Jones played by Beyonce Knowles a stunning, beautiful, young talented woman, got the role of lead singer. Why? Because she not only had the talent but most important she had the looks, this is the way it was and continues to be in the music industry. Looks over talent equals fame. Fair? Not at all!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


As an African-American woman, I’ve always had to prove myself as an educated person. I learn that people still judge you on their own biases and stereotypes. First I was judged for being from the South when I would go visit cousins from the northern states, they would say comments jokingly, but it wasn’t funny to me. A most recent example of microaggression is in my current profession. I’m a Teacher for an early childhood program  Head Start where I’m surrounded with colleagues of the dominant culture. Our program serves a variety of families, but the majority is African-American families. I was developing a newsletter on summer safety for children where I was addressing the need for sunscreen outsides. As the program director at the time was a Caucasian woman reviewed the newsletter she comments, “Black people do not use sunscreen.” As African American woman, I was appalled! I immediately corrected her in an intelligent and proper matter. She felt assume and embarrassed, and I felt disrespected and offended. I looked at her differently for that point. This experience taught me that many people are judged on their own biases and stereotypes.   I’ve vowed to treat everyone the same regardless of whom they were.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I asked two friends and one family member about culture and diversity.  When asked about culture, most of the people shared that culture includes the values and beliefs that a group of people share.  One friend explained that we have multiple cultures.  She stated that the culture in our family may be different from the culture in the workplace or in society.  As a result, some of our beliefs can be conflicting; however, they are acceptable in different contexts.  Overall, everyone agreed that culture is a part of life and it influences what people believe in and how they act.

When asked about diversity, I received conflicting views and opinions.  Some believed that diversity was the differences between people.  One person believed that diversity was based on race only.  After reviewing these definitions, it is obvious that the people did not see diversity as deep as it is covered in the course.  Diversity is based on any differences within and between groups.  Diversity is about differences; however, it can include different views, different cultures, and different races. Diversity can include different talents among employees.  Therefore, I feel that people have a better understanding of culture than diversity.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Based on my family’s culture, I would choose items that's clearly explainable about what we believe in as well as items that exhibit our cultural values.  My family is very religious.  As a result, I would choose to take the Bible to show my religious beliefs and to educate others about Christianity.  The second item I would take is a photo album of my family.  I can use this album to show others my family and my heritage.  The third item would be a quilt that has been passed down through the generations.  Quilting is a hobby that has become part of my heritage and culture. Many of the older women quilt; therefore, I would continue to teach this to future generations.

The Bible is the most important item because it is the core value in my family.  Religion is about spiritual and cultural connections.  Plus, the Bible contains scriptural knowledge that can be used to teach future generations.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


When I think of research......

I think of the children that can be helped by research findings.  In this course, I have learned how to work with qualitative, quantiative, and mixed research methods.  This has helped me to become a better student and a better educator.  I realize that research can be used to solve problems in education. 

I have learned that research has to be designed.  I understand the need for a hypothesis, a research method, and informed consent for participants. Research is beneficial for eduation and it helps to find solutions to problems or to improve learning.  Therefore, I will use what I have learned to become a better educator.

I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to my blog and this learning experience.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I chose to explore the European Early Childhood Education Research Association website. EECERA is an international contributor to the developing field of early childhood. On this site I learned that the Europeans encourage paradigms and methodologies in early childhood studies reflecting upon legends. This site is known to work closely with Special Interest Groups by supporting their collaborations.  In Europe the EECERA host an annual conference where it’s recognized as the largest organized early childhood research conference.

I enjoyed this site because I leaned how Europe hosts the largest early childhood research conference. I knew that other countries were interested in early childhood, but I didn’t know it was so popular. This international organization promotes multi-disciplinary research on early childhood and policies and practice in the early childhood field.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Technology has grown so much within the past few years. Many schools require that children use the Internet to complete assignments and projects. While some students are using the Internet to browse social networks there are many that use it for educational purposes. There are online database and educational games available. My 10 year old daughter loves to use the computer but waits all day before doing homework. In order to get her focused with school, I decided to make homework fun for her. She uses many math game cd-roms to help her learn the required material for class. I noticed that her grades have improved with allowing her to use the computer and play educational games.
I believe this was a great technique for me to try and it has helped my family a lot.

Friday, March 15, 2013


The topic that I chose to focus on is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Early Childhood Education (ADHD). Educating children with ADHD can be overwhelming as well as a distraction to the other children. I am interested in this topic because I need a solution on how to solve behavior issues with children that has ADHD. I have never encountered any children with such behavior issues. I know that there are strategies and ways to prevent this chaos in the classroom and I want to know how. Can any of my colleagues can provide me with any insights, if so please do.

I understand that the information from constructing the research chart will be beneficial for me as I gain an understanding of what is expected during the research process. The research chart will also help me to understand the different terminology that is used during the research process.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Consequences of Learning

Ø  I’ve learned many of the issues in the US, such as poverty are in other counties. For example, in India the cycle of disadvantage starts at birth and continues through childhood to motherhood and the next generation.
Ø  I’ve learned you can partner with other counties to learn how to improve our early childhood field. For instance, In Chile, the UBC (Un Buen Comienzo) is working toward a push for quality to improve early childhood education through teacher professional development.

Ø  I’ve learned anyone can be an advocate for early childhood.  A health economist, Günther Fink focused on early childhood development issues in Zambia.



 My goal would be open-minded aware what going on in other parts of the world. As a professional, I will keep current on issues and trends not only in the US but abroad.

Global Children’s Initiative” website (
The Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre (CHIP). (2007) Country Overviews Retrieved   from

Sunday, February 24, 2013



Early Childhood Development in the Asia-Pacific region I've learned a Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development was held to discuss the importance of early childhood learning experience for children under the age 3; and age group neglected in a region where the focus tends to be on preschool and primary school years.

I would loved to attend this conference to learn new techniques to use in an Early Head Start Program 0-3


Regional Seminar on Early Childhood Policy Review "Sharing and Learning from the Policy Review Process-Big Gap between Public/Private provision mostly better quality in private program with trained teachers, teaching learning materials, and better facilities.

I was interesting to learn that other counties have the same problem we have in the U.S. This has encouraged me to advocate even more for equally quality programs.


The participation Programme functions as a vital complement to UNESCO regular activities by analyzing, evaluating and facilitating the implementation of national sub-regional, inter-regional and regional projects directly related to the activities of the organization.

I could be an active member of the organization where I could make a difference in a leadership role.

UNESCO's "Early Childhood Care and Education" webpage themes strengthening education systems/early childhood

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Improving access to affordable, quality child care is one of NACCRRA’s top goals (NACCRRA, 2012).
*The high price of child care in every community strains household budgets and forces parents to make compromise about the quality and safety of the care they choose for their children.
*The average annual cost of full-time child care for an infant in a center in 2010 ranged from $4,650 in Mississippi to more than 18, 200 in District Columbia.
*NACCRRA recommends that Congress-Reduce barriers that prevent families from easily accessing childcare assistance.

Office of Childcare

As I was searching through the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, I notice Health and Human Service Office of Child Care part of the resource section.  The Office of Child Care supports low-income working families through child care financial assistance and promotes children's learning by improving the quality of early care and education and afterschool programs (Dept. of HHS, 2012).   On the website, I found information on section for child care research. This section has the list of child care consists of grantees and contractors who have worked on research projects and partnerships funded by ACF, and Research Connections which is a web-based, interactive database of research documents and public use data sets for conducting secondary analyses on topics related to early care and education.
Cost of Child Care | (n.d.). Retrieved from
Naccrra, the national association of child care resource & referral agencies. (2012). Retrieved from
Office of Child Care - Administration for Children and Families. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Department of Health & Human Services: Office of Child Care. (2012). Retrieved from  http://www.


Sunday, February 10, 2013



In Chile, the UBC (Un Buen Comienzo) is working toward a push for quality to improve early childhood education through teacher professional development. The UBC is focusing on language development for children who are 4-6 years-old. Also, to focus on getting children to attend school, socioemotional development, and partnering with parents to be involved in their child’s education.

A health economist, Günther Fink is focusing on early childhood development issues in Zambia. Fink and his colleagues realized that, in order to assess the true impact of the initiative on the country’s human capital development, they needed to assess the physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development of children at age 6 ( Harvard, 2012). Flink found developing a measuring tool for comparisons with sub-Saharan Africa, still other sections of the survey will permit broader global comparisons.

In Zambia it is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality, with nearly 4.3 million cases and 50,000 deaths per year. Malaria is responsible for one quarter of childhood deaths.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies- To promote national policies and partnerships to advance the development and learning of all children and to provide vision, leadership, and support to community Child Care Resource and Referral. (

Issue/Trend:  Childcare Dilemma: Parents Weigh Costs
Childcare is becoming too expensive for families with the change in the economy (Arnold, 2011). Quality of child care is becoming increasingly difficult to afford for working families. Parents have to choose between quality childcare for their child verses saving money.
ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.  ( )
Issue/Trend:  Our Families, Ourselves: How Our History Influences How We Raise Our Children
     The information provided the way we are raised influences the way we bring up our kids, the power of the past on our parenting. Also, parents can use reflection and self-awareness to make good parenting decisions today (Siegel, 2009).
Arnold, A. (2011, November 2). Childcare dilemma: Parents weigh costs. Retrieved from
Naccrra, the national association of child care resource & referral agencies. (2012). Retrieved from
Siegel, D. (Performer) (2009). Our families, ourselves: How our history influences how we raise our children. Zero to Three. [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
Zero to three, national center for infants, toddlers, and families. (2012). Retrieved from

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Website information:

As I read about the poverty issue that exist in China, I was given an opportunity to gain more insight on the issue at hand.

China is a country that has made tremendous strides against poverty. According to the website,, the decline in poverty is "due to far-reaching processes of economics and social transition. Although a globalised market economy has helped to reduce poverty it has created new forms of poverty.

It was also interesting to gain more insight on the impact that poverty has on children. The website revealed a clear understanding of the definition on urban childhood poverty. Urban childhood poverty is the lack of basic human needs such as education, nutrition, and etc. The lack of human needs exist because of the family's inability to afford them.

There were also recommendations made to reduce poverty. The recommendation that stands out in my mind is "improving migrant families’ access to government and community assistance by granting them equal access to urban services as long-term urban residents; making it easier to apply for urban registration would contribute to this"(childhood poverty research and policy center).

Saturday, January 19, 2013


The information on the Zero to three website that is particularly relevant to me is Infant and Toddler Policy issues. As an great aunt of a 7 month old. I like to stay current on Issues pertaining to health and nutrition. This issue on the impact of child nutrition programs and provides policy recommendations for the reauthorization of the Federal Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACHP) make me view this a new way. I've had experience in both programs and it is interesting to learn the recommendations to better serve families.

                                                        Policy Recommendation

1. Revise CACFP are eligibility to allow more food insecure families with infants and toddler particularly those living rural areas, to receive access to nutritious food.

2. Increase CACFP reimbursements to reflect the actual cost of providing food.

3. Eliminate administrative barriers to participating in children nutrition programs.

4. Increases efficient use of resources by requiring collaboration between WIC agencies and early care and educations programs such as Early Head start.

Through this website, I've learned politicians and neuroscientists add to website by research. For instance, there is a section Public Policy where there are different topics were politicians and neuroscientists expertise are added to the information.

In exploring the website, I've learned there is link for state and community policy. This link is for policy decisions made at the state and community levels directly impact the lives of infants, toddlers, and their families.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I tried to establish contact with three agencies outside the United States for professional contacts. I contacted individuals from Phillippines, Singapore, and Spain. One of my emails came back as undelivered. I'm waiting on a response from each individuals to learn more about what they do in the Early Childhood setting. The websites that I'm interesting in are the Center for Early Childhood Care & Development, Association for Early Childhood Educators, and World Association of Early Childhood Educators. Part 2 of the assignment Expanding Resources I chose National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies. However, I chose this because they help to ensure to that al families in the United States have access to quality, affordable child care.