Sunday, May 26, 2013


I asked two friends and one family member about culture and diversity.  When asked about culture, most of the people shared that culture includes the values and beliefs that a group of people share.  One friend explained that we have multiple cultures.  She stated that the culture in our family may be different from the culture in the workplace or in society.  As a result, some of our beliefs can be conflicting; however, they are acceptable in different contexts.  Overall, everyone agreed that culture is a part of life and it influences what people believe in and how they act.

When asked about diversity, I received conflicting views and opinions.  Some believed that diversity was the differences between people.  One person believed that diversity was based on race only.  After reviewing these definitions, it is obvious that the people did not see diversity as deep as it is covered in the course.  Diversity is based on any differences within and between groups.  Diversity is about differences; however, it can include different views, different cultures, and different races. Diversity can include different talents among employees.  Therefore, I feel that people have a better understanding of culture than diversity.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Based on my family’s culture, I would choose items that's clearly explainable about what we believe in as well as items that exhibit our cultural values.  My family is very religious.  As a result, I would choose to take the Bible to show my religious beliefs and to educate others about Christianity.  The second item I would take is a photo album of my family.  I can use this album to show others my family and my heritage.  The third item would be a quilt that has been passed down through the generations.  Quilting is a hobby that has become part of my heritage and culture. Many of the older women quilt; therefore, I would continue to teach this to future generations.

The Bible is the most important item because it is the core value in my family.  Religion is about spiritual and cultural connections.  Plus, the Bible contains scriptural knowledge that can be used to teach future generations.