Monday, July 2, 2012

My Favorite Children's Book!!

One of the stories that I love so dearly is "Leo the Late Bloomer" by Robert Kraus & Joe Aruego. What I love about this book is that we as educators can't expect all kids to learn at the same time or be on the same level as others. Most kids learn on their own time. So don't be impatience when they can't get it the first time. "Patience is a Virtue"


  1. I love this book and I always read it to my class. The message it sends to children is very important. Like you said, not everyone learns at the same pace and teachers can't expect them to. Everyone is different and will do things in their own time.

  2. Great book choice because that is so true none of us are the same and we as teachers should always recognize that especially when we get frustrated when child still don't get it after saying 10 times and we think they should have it by then. We still have to step back and repeat it until they grasp it and it is always worth the wait.
