Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Behind every school and every teacher is a set of related beliefs-a philosphy of education-that influences what and how students are taught. A philosophy of education represents answers to questions about the purpose of schooling, a teacher's role and what should be taught by what methods. In looking forward to furture experiences as a teacher I search myself for my philosophy of education. Above all, my beliefs about education, is that all students can learn regardless of race, or ethnic background. As a future teacher, I look forward to running a classroom where discipline, neatness and achievements are in the forefront. Most children of today lack all of these things in many instances. I feel that it is the job of all educators to help fill the emptiness that is left by the parents. In a perfect word, education is a fifty-fifty partnership between parents and teachers. I'm sorry to say that we live nowhere near perfect, so teachers must continue to role play as our students mother, father, directors, and mentor. Although it seems to be increasing harder to juggle all the balls without dropping any. However, it would be my responsibility to help each student to better understand their process of learning. I will make it comfortable for each student to be able to utilize their mental skills to interpret what is presented to them. It is possible for me to show and teach each student the importance of getting the required knowledge needed to succeed in life. In other word, my knowledge and the love for children will give me the opportunity to achieve high expectations of teaching. However, I am prepared to do whatever it takes to have a positive impact on all the young minds I encounter, it is my belief that in my furture experiences as an educator, not only should my students learn from me, but from them as well. I believe that in order to be an effective teacher my curriculum would contain the basic reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also contain character, morals, values, and ethnics. All these things must be taught to create well rounded students and individuals. Otherwise, the product I represent to the world would be an "educated fool."


  1. It really is important that we collaborate with parents and families, and make sure they understand their role and influence are far greater than ours.

    It is also important that our journey of self-reflection and self-examination never end, and we continually modify and adapt our philosophy to assure even greater success in our classrooms.

  2. Creating this blog has been a great experience. However, this will be something that I have to get use to and also learn more about. Blogs is something that I never thought about. I'm so use to other social networking like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. However, they all work the same way once you get familiar with it. Good Luck for me!!!

  3. Collaboration between teachers and families is so important. When a child sees his or her parents working closely with a teacher, it shows the child that the parent wants to be involved and is excited about their education. Typically, the child will want to do his or her best to please everyone. Parents are a very useful tool because they know their child and what works and what doesn't work when teaching their child.

    I also agree that children lack so much in today's world. A lot of parents work outside of the home and do not have a lot of time to focus on their children. A teacher must be there to substitute as the parent and role model when children are not getting these things at home.

    1. Most families do have 2 working parents these days. Parents are struggling to balance work, family, religion and more. I feel that our role is to support parents and be a resource for them.

  4. I completely agree with you. In most families, both parents are having to work just to pay bills. It is hard. As a parent myself, I am struggling with working, having two small children, school, and much more. It is very hard. As teachers, we do have to be there for those children and do everything we can to make their lives easier. We have to be an asset to those families.
